Microbial cell protein, Aarhus University, Unibio and Danish Agro (GUDP grant)

Dietary inclusion of methanotrophic microbial cell-derived protein in

the early postweaning period sustains growth performance and

intestinal health of weaner piglets

Read the paper: 230511 Hedemann et al 2023 Microbial protein



AX3 Gastric_TripleA

The effect of AX3 Gastric’s particle size on growth and feed utilization in small newly weaned piglets. Read the report here: 220207_Report test 107_final



BalanGut, BASF

The effect of BalanGut® on post weaning performance. Read the report here: 210817_Report_Test 24_final


SR Elite Weaner diet 1

SR Elite-weaner diet as an alternative to high doses of ZnO for small piglets after weaning. Read the report here: 211015_Report SR EliteBlanding 1_final


HP FiberStart Hamlet Protein

The effect of HP FiberStart on post weaning performance. Read the report here: 210831_Report_Test 23_final


Actisaf/Safmannan Phileo by Lesaffre

The effect of Actisaf® and Safmannan® on post weaning performance. Read the report here: 210414_Report_Test 22_final



AX3, Triple A

The effect of feeding 3 different AX3 products (Digest, Gastric and Advanced) on small weaned piglets for the first 2 weeks after weaning. The effect in the baby pig room and subsequently in the standard weaning room. Read the report here: 210504_Report test 104 +105_Final



The effect of two different feeding concepts as alternatives to a diet containing medical zinc and/or organic acids after weaning. Test conducted on request from Distributors Processing INC and Dantrace-Danfeed 2019 Aps.

Read the report here: 200916_Report_Test 20_final


Hamlet Protein

Performance effects of four weaning diets (V) formulated by Hamlet Protein. Read the report here: 200617_Report_Test 19_final


Hamlet Protein

Performance effects of four different weaning diets (IV) formulated by Hamlet Protein. Read the report here: 200512_Report_Test 17_Final_vers 02



SkyMoutain, Chr. Hansen

Test results on the effect of the probiotic Sky Mountain on small weaned piglets for the first 2 weeks after weaning. Read the report here:

Report Sky Mountain_Chr Hansen


Mathan XL, A-One

Test results on The effect of MathanXL (sugarbound synthetic amino acids) on piglet performance during week 3-6 after weaning

Report – the effect of Mathan XL



Ax3, Triple A

Test results on the effect of replacing the protein from a combination of fishmeal  and soy protein concentrate with AX3Digest® on performance after weaning. Read the report here:

191129_Report_final AX3Digest



AlphaSoy, AgroKorn

Test results: Effect of feeding concentrates containing different soy protein sources on productivity and health in weaned piglets

Test _ AlphaSoy


Starfish meal, AU

Test results: Growth performance of weaned pigs fed different levels of Starfish meal

Test-Starfish meal-AU